Friday, August 21, 2015

NHL Backups Only

I have two blogs, this one and Benchwarmers, a blog about my little niche in hockey history, goalies who have appeared in the NHL as backups but never dressed in the NHL. If you want more information for any goalie, click their name and you will be directed to my other blog. I have written a blog post for each goalie with a bio, picture, stats and confirmed NHL games. 

Note: One time NHL backups Pete Donnelly, Russ Gillow, Jim Park and Ed Walsh played in WHA, their autographs are in that collection.

Dereck Baribeau

Mikhail Berdin

Mike Buzak

Jim Campbell

Frederic Cloutier

Philippe Desrosiers

Wayne Doll

Alex D'Orio

Frank Doyle

Claude Dufour

Dave Elenbass

Nick Ellis

Tom Fenton

Evan Fitzpatrick

Mike Frawley

Georges Gagnon

Gord Garbutt

Michael Garteig

Darryl Gilmour

Jim Grant

Frederic Henry

Matt Hewitt

Gil Hudon

Jacob Ingham

Lars Johansson

Cam Johnson

Zane Kalemba

Kyle Konin

Craig Kowalski

Brett Leonhardt

Andre LePage

Ryan Lowe

Ray Martyniuk

Eamon McAdam

Gavin McHale

Blaine Peterson

Bill Pye

Tim Regan

Steve Rexe

Chris Rogles

Dusan Salficky

Nathan Schoenfeld

Glen Seperich

Dave "Sudsy" Settlemyre

Peter Sternig

Miroslav Svoboda

Larry Thayer

Bob Vroman

Jim Weaver

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