114 Players made their NHL debuts through the 1974/1975 season.
Michel Deziel made his debut during the playoffs.
In The Collection: 112/114 = 98%
In The Collection: 112/114 = 98%
Bruce Affleck
Fred Ahern
Claire Alexander
Earl Anderson
Murray Anderson
Ron Anderson
Ron Andruff
Frank Bathe
Mike Baumgartner
John Bednarski
Yves Belanger
Harvey Bennett
Michel Bergeron
Yves Bergeron
Mike Bloom
Mike Boland (b.1949)
Mike Boland (b.1954)
Jack Borotsik
Bob Bourne
Doug Buhr
Fred Ahern
Claire Alexander
Earl Anderson
Murray Anderson
Ron Anderson
Ron Andruff
Frank Bathe
Mike Baumgartner
John Bednarski
Yves Belanger
Harvey Bennett
Michel Bergeron
Yves Bergeron
Mike Bloom
Mike Boland (b.1949)
Mike Boland (b.1954)
Jack Borotsik
Bob Bourne
Doug Buhr
Glen Burdon
Gord Buynak
Colin Campbell
Rick Chartraw
Guy Chouinard
Mike Christie
Gordie Clark
Tom Colley
Dave Cressman
Alain Daigle
Michel Deziel
Norm Dube
Michel Dumas
Mario Faubert
John Flesch
Lee Fogolin
Larry Fullan
Danny Gare
Ed Gilbert
Clark Gillies
Larry Goodenough
Rod Graham
Ron Greschner
Pierre Hamel
Rick Hampton
Hugh Harvey
Bob Hess
Doug Hicks
Jerry Holland
Randy Holt
Doug Horbul
Claude Houde
Jim Hrycuik
Bob Hurlburt
Dave Hutchison
Greg Joly
Murray Kuntz
Steve Langdon
Pierre Larouche
Henry Lehvonen
Roger Lemelin
Bill Lochead
Ken Lockett
Pete LoPresti
Kim MacDougall
Bob MacMillan
Dave Maloney
Mike Marson
Jim McCrimmon
Brian McCutcheon
Jack McIlhargey
Paul McIntosh
Vic Mercredi
Rick Middleton
Jim Moxey
Grant Mulvey
Brian Murphy
Jim Nahrgang
Rich Nantais
Paul Nicholson
Dennis Owchar
Wilf Paiement
Doug Palazzari
Dennis Patterson
Andre Peloffy
George Pesut
Dennis Polonich
Kelly Pratt
Tom Price
Jake Rathwell
Ken Richardson
Curt Ridley
Bill Riley
Doug Risebrough
Barry Salovaara
Craig Sarner
Ron Sedlbauer
Charlie Simmer
Gary Simmons
Bob Sirois
Gord Smith
Harold Snepsts
Bob Stumpf
Gord Buynak
Colin Campbell
Rick Chartraw
Guy Chouinard
Mike Christie
Gordie Clark
Tom Colley
Dave Cressman
Alain Daigle
Michel Deziel
Norm Dube
Michel Dumas
Mario Faubert
John Flesch
Lee Fogolin
Larry Fullan
Danny Gare
Ed Gilbert
Clark Gillies
Larry Goodenough
Rod Graham
Ron Greschner
Rick Hampton
Hugh Harvey
Bob Hess
Doug Hicks
Jerry Holland
Randy Holt
Doug Horbul
Claude Houde
Jim Hrycuik
Bob Hurlburt
Dave Hutchison
Greg Joly
Murray Kuntz
Steve Langdon
Pierre Larouche
Henry Lehvonen
Roger Lemelin
Bill Lochead
Ken Lockett
Pete LoPresti
Kim MacDougall
Bob MacMillan
Dave Maloney
Mike Marson
Jim McCrimmon
Brian McCutcheon
Jack McIlhargey
Paul McIntosh
Vic Mercredi
Rick Middleton
Jim Moxey
Grant Mulvey
Brian Murphy
Jim Nahrgang
Rich Nantais
Paul Nicholson
Dennis Owchar
Wilf Paiement
Doug Palazzari
Dennis Patterson
Andre Peloffy
George Pesut
Dennis Polonich
Kelly Pratt
Tom Price
Jake Rathwell
Ken Richardson
Curt Ridley
Bill Riley
Doug Risebrough
Barry Salovaara
Craig Sarner
Ron Sedlbauer
Charlie Simmer
Gary Simmons
Bob Sirois
Gord Smith
Harold Snepsts
Bob Stumpf
I enjoy seeing the autographs. I am searching for a Mike Baumgartner autograph if you have an extra one. I am willing to possibly make a trade if you are willing